How the Bear Market Might Not be the Worst thing for FibSwap

3 min readFeb 18, 2022


After Bitcoin’s stretched downtrend from the November 2021 all-time high, the fears of a bear market left no crypto HODLer untouched. Yet, despite this bear run, a few platforms still boosted high revenue for users. We are proud to share that one such platform has been Fibswap DEX.

But how exactly could this play out? We’ll take a look at that through this article.

The Future of Crypto

Fibswap is a cross-chain decentralized exchange that aims to provide greater accessibility to users and simplify the DEX trading process across multiple chains. Notably, some of the blockchain networks compatible with Fibswap’s IMBS are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum One, xDai and Fantom.

On FibSwap the use of FIBO tokens drastically reduces the transaction fee and allows users to execute swaps in a small amount of time. Though it is a multi-chain DEX, the swapping process on FibSwap is no different from single-chain DEXs. Additionally, the platform solves the issues of fragmented user experience by offering its services on the latest mobile app on IOS and Android.

But that’s not the only thing that sets us apart from the rest of the market players. In fact, trading on FibSwap is more profitable compared to others because traders earn a percentage of trading fees for every trade, making the entire system more profitable and capital efficient. So, how does this keep FIBO holders safe even in bear markets?

FIBO Magic Works Even in Bear Markets

The Fibo ecosystem works in a way that FIBO holders earn from every trade that happens on their decentralized exchange. The Fibswap DEX is unique in the sense that our holders do not need to stake to earn from being a token holder. Therefore, the more volumes that go through our exchange, the more benefit users get directly from those volumes.

While bear markets are generally dreaded by market participants, the same isn’t the case with FIBO traders and holders. As a matter of fact, during bear markets, trade volumes go up drastically. Higher trade volumes means higher amounts are paid in transaction fees on the FibSwap platform. Thus, this results in increased revenue for the platform and the whole bear market scenario becomes yet another passive earning opportunity for FIBO token holders.

Building Better Experiences in DeFi

DEXs like ours can be game-changers in the space by offering a relatively better risk to reward ratio and offering a cushion to suppress losses during market crashes. The main aim of our ecosystem is to drive mainstream adoption of decentralized exchanges and make the process of accessing such platforms simpler for masses.

That is why FibSwap costs low fees, takes less time, and most importantly, allows users to bridge different blockchain networks while earning a considerable amount in trading fees simultaneously. By offering such incentives to users and providing a transparent trading model, we believe we can spark a new market behavior towards DEXs, ultimately driving mass DeFi adoption.

Throughout the last year, we saw users switch from centralized exchanges to decentralized exchanges as crypto hacks and crimes continued to rise. DEXs have allowed users to take back control and be the sole owner and operator of their crypto assets. Thus, with the understanding around DEXs rising and as platforms like ours offer ‘bear-market friendly’ incentives, we could see a much-needed push to larger crypto adoption.

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FibSwap - A New Type of DEX where you can swap and ERC20 token with a BEP20 Token with the click of a button.